The Mirror Prince /Princess of the week : Lizzy
Name : Lizzy
Phone no: 08106199295
Philosophy of life: Hard work is the only architech of success
Passion: Singing, Modelling
Hobbies: Football
Likes: Sincerity, Honesty, and Caring
Dislike: Dishonesty
Are you beautiful, handsome, lively, cute and daring male and female. If you fit the bill, be the Mirror Prince or Princess of the week. Send your profile, high resolution image, phone number, email, your philosophy of life, your passion, hobbies, likes, dislikes, to: or whataspp number : 07088101955
Double honour for Idimu’s favourite son: Alaseyori, Alaseyegbe titles for outstanding achiever
By Hon Apostle Yomi Taiwo In life, men of lofty values, immeasurable worth, …