Home Worship Christian role in politicsĀ 
Worship - June 22, 2024

Christian role in politicsĀ 


Pastor Eyong Duke Ibiang

The role of a Christian in politics is not optional, it’s a mandate form God according to Romans 13 vs 1-7.

As ambassadors of Christ, Christians are commanded to represent God’s kingdom values in the political arena, shining bright as beacons of hope in a dark world.

We are to be the salt that preserves, the light that illuminates, and the voice that speaks truth to power.

Christians in politics are not mere mortals, they are agents of transformation, called to advocate for justice, equality, and righteousness.

We are peacemakers, bridge-builders, and conflict-resolvers. As stewards of God’s creation, they are responsible for managing resources and caring for the environment.

To engage without compromising, Christians must:

– Pray and intercede for leaders and policy decisions, as commanded in 1 Timothy 2:1-2
– Vote and participate in elections with informed decisions, as instructed in Romans 13:1-7
– Advocate for causes aligned with biblical values, as prophesied in Isaiah 1:17
– Hold public offices or work in government with integrity, as exemplified in Daniel 1:1-6
– Engage in community service and volunteer work, as taught in Galatians 2:10


– Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, as promised in John 16:13
– Consult with spiritual leaders and mentors, as advised in Proverbs 11:14
– Stay grounded in scripture, as commanded in Psalm 119:105
– Engage with humility and compassion, as taught in Matthew 20:26-28
– Prioritize integrity and wisdom, as instructed in Psalm 101:2-3

Remember, Christians in politics are called to be a positive influence, upholding biblical values without compromise. They must stand firm, speak truth, and shine bright, for the glory of God and the salvation of nations.


Ā Duke Ibiang, Phone No. 08146644443, Email Address: dukeonthemail@gmail.com

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