Home Opinion Veil is down, mask is gone in Abia State
Opinion - 2 weeks ago

Veil is down, mask is gone in Abia State



By Emmanuel Nicholas

I observe this theatrical spectacle unfurl, sensing from the very beginning that it is a meticulously orchestrated endeavour designed to tarnish the good reputation of Deacon Udom Emmanuel, casting it into the murky depths of disrepute, all the while seeking to undermine the political equilibrium and the widespread acceptance of Governor Umo Bassey Eno.

When the shadows of cyberbullies convened, I gazed upon the alliances they inhabit, their allegiances unmistakably traced back to the political factions that nurture them.

In their desperate bid to obscure their identities, they performed petty theatrics beneath the guise of their masked benefactors, attempting to mislead our discernment regarding their true origins.

In the theater of political strife, the art of cloaking the identities of those who pull the strings proves often more arduous than the pursuit of romance with a celestial being.

Far from the heralds, one can unveil the very sources of their fortitude. Thus, I penned a treatise chronicling the crusade against nefarious actors as their sponsors unleashed their digital gladiators upon the fray.

An African proverb elucidates this truth: when the winds howl, the fowl’s rear is laid bare. I summoned a tempest, and in its wake, their concealed motives were exposed for all to witness. Within a mere twenty-four hours, they disseminated an advertorial in national newspapers, a publication valued beyond two million Naira, revealing its sponsorship in stark clarity.

They cast stones in both directions, assailing Governor Umo Eno, Ph.D., and Minister of Petroleum, Obongemem Ekperikpe Expo. They leveled accusations at Ekperikpe, alleging sabotage of the APC and collusion with Governor Umo Eno Bassey Eno to undermine President Ahmed Tinubu’s quest for a second term, an insidious ploy that sought to fracture the bond between these two leaders in the President’s sight.

Governor Umo Eno who has unwaveringly declared his support for the President to succeed in his economic reforms, stands resolute against any treachery directed at the President.

Yet, these malign actors seek to tarnish that relationship, weaving a tapestry of deceit to incite discord between the two esteemed leaders.

The signatures of specters etched upon the advertorial’s canvas were not of the living; rather, they emerged from the shadowed recesses of the sponsors’ wolfish minds. Cloaked in the guise of political renown, they sought to perpetuate their blasphemies beneath the shroud of obscurity, yet know this: nothing remains concealed beneath the vast expanse of the heavens.

In a cacophony heralded by an unholy trumpet, their messengers adorned the social media landscape with placards that resembled missives from the National, imploring insight from Akwa Ibom State to unveil the complete ledger of approvals and expenditures under the stewardship of Deacon Udom Emmanuel’s administration.

The lens of scrutiny focused, rendering the tableau ever more crystalline; the malevolence unleashed by the leukemia-infested cyber bullies, the Malignances, was indeed a calculated strike aimed at Governor Umo Eno’s impending second term.

These political leeches, desperate and disquieted by the current climate of Akwa Ibom’s political theater, arose from the sinister sanctum of blackmail, plotting to unravel the very fabric of the system.

But why would a deity dispatch idols to the battleground, presuming their crimson veil would not be consumed by the flames of conflict?

The sources of this nefarious blackmail against Deacon Udom Emmanuel have been illuminated; he is not the principal target, but rather, it is Governor Umo Eno who stands in their crosshairs.

Some voices assert that this strife is tribal, a claim I initially dismissed, yet I find myself grappling with the possibility that it is indeed a war waged against the Ibibio people.

Upon critical examination, as a research fellow hailing from a British college of Red Witches, I have discerned that their victims are exclusively Ibibio sons.

They assail an illustrious Ibibio figure, Engr. Uwem Okoko, branding him a conduit for Udom Emmanuel, seeking to extinguish the radiant light of one who excels in the construction sector.

Hezek Integrated Services has blossomed into a paragon of industry, employing nearly fifteen thousand souls. Yet, the Abuja politicians conspire to stifle this enterprise, for it is helmed by an Ibibio son.

The bond between Deacon Udom Emmanuel and his successor has evolved into a sanctuary of peace, yet they conspire to wield blackmail regarding financial impropriety, attempting to forge a cadaver of fear and discord to shatter this alliance.

Is there, I ask, any extant law in Nigeria that empowers the National Assembly to investigate the financial records of a state’s administration, when a functional House of Assembly exists within that state?

When did Akwa Ibom become subject to the oversight function of the National Assembly, and who among the architects of the National has sanctioned such correspondence?

Both Deacon Udom Emmanuel and Governor Umo Bassey Eno are sons of Ibibio; why, then, are these agents funding foreign entities to tarnish the reputation of Ibibios? I leave this inquiry to the leaders of the Ibibio, as I turn my gaze towards another realm.

Their sponsors have never heralded an Ibibio son as a harbinger, for no such honour graced them amidst the lizards’ domain. . They ought to ponder, in light of my ascendance, what advancement I have ushered into our land. What will be their legacy?

Only a Prostitute, stripped of her dignity and barter her worth, oblivious to the repercussions of her deeds.

They are Cloaked in the guise of a crusader against corruption; they battle Deacon Udom Emmanuel, their motives laid bare by the missive from the National Assembly and the ink of the Nation’s newspapers, unveiling the dark designs they harbour.

Akwa Ibom shall not descend into the chaos of political carnage, nor shall we be ravaged by souls devoid of conscience. The youth of our State possess keen insight; under Umo Eno’s enlightened leadership, their eyes have been opened, heralding a return to political disgrace for you.

You will wail from the depths, your lamentations falling upon deaf ears, akin to the pauper in paradise while the affluent languish in torment, thirsting for but a drop to quench their suffering.

No mortal dares defy the Almighty; Pastor Umo Eno was divinely ordained to shepherd Akwa Ibom. Hence, the unparalleled peace we now cherish is sacred. To sow seeds of malice within his administration will summon divine wrath, a tempest you shall not wish to encounter.

Deacon Udom Emmanuel’s leadership was never squandered; no insidious threats against his honour shall yield no fruit. While I welcome his transparency regarding his stewardship, why cast judgments in the court of social media before the scales of investigation have balanced?

Governor Umo Eno remains vigilant, his vision undimmed. No wicked pursuit finds a prosperous end, and the mirth of the malevolent is but ephemeral; soon enough, sorrow shall follow.

Among the sponsors lurk those who have tasted the bitterness of rejection in nominations and elections. They cling to the delusion that by assaulting the administrations of Governor Umo Eno and the sublime image of Deacon Udom Emmanuel, they may sneak into governance through the shadows come 2027.

Too often, men dwell in folly, convinced that the President will bend the will of the INEC to declare their desired outcomes.

Retire to your slumber; we have heard such empty boasts time and again. Do you believe the people of Akwa Ibom are naive? Remember, it is God who elevates, and no man can unseat His decree.

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