Billionaire business man, Chief Eddo celebrate self on birthday
By Mazi Sidney Nwachukwu
All road leads to the exclusively built trickys adult club in the heart of Ikeja, Lagos State.
The bubbling birthday boy, billionaire business mogul who is chairman of trickys adult club entertainment group has crossed all the ts and dotted with the event planners managing the birthday event, so as to host one of the best birthday parties in Lagos tonight.
CMC gladiators group and Media Tiger Communications Group have both been contracted to manage the total media and logistics services involved in staging the entire birthday bash.
Billionaire Chief Kola Eddo has been very busy with running and rebranding the trickys adult club to attained the height at which the clubbing business is today.
For the first timers visiting trickys adult club tonight, be ready for that unforgettable but posh fun treat that awaits you at the club, hence it’s strictly only for adult minds, classy and vogue personalities.
I wishes chairman Kola Eddo the best life can offer.
Mazi Nwachukwu, Publisher & Editor in Chief of African Times Magazine UK online,
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